Shoe Care Shoe Care

Shoes become beautiful if you continue to treat them with compassion. Maintenance is the best way to express your compassion for them.

Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance

The more care and loving the shoes are given, the more beautiful they get. As the shoes are made in the best possible way, the more they are worn, the better they fit. The shoes will become a cherished part of your life. Let your pair develop with care and maintenance for over 10 to 20 years!

Price Price Price Price

At Marquess, we perform maintenance of our shoes. Resoling, replacing heels and repairing the uppers. We will give an estimate price based on the condition of the shoes.

Self care Self care Self care Self care

With wear, the shoes and leather will inevitably be damaged, become dry, and lose its shine. In order to keep them in good shape for a long time, it is necessary to clean and nourish them. First and foremost, keep them cleaned and nourished. You may also use wax to shine them further. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Contact Contact Contact Contact

Appointment only for ordering bespoke shoes. Please email or call us for more information.We very much hope that we may be of service.

GinzaYurikaBld 8F,1-19-3 Ginza

tel / fax +81-3-6912-2013 tel / fax +81-3-6912-2013 tel / fax +81-3-6912-2013 tel / fax +81-3-6912-2013
Opening Hours
Mon to Sat : 11am - 8pm

Please kindly note that we might be closed due to circumstances.